NDPS (Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances) Cases

R.M Associates has more than 20+ years experience in legal services. We have best criminal Lawyers in Delhi. We work for greater standards of service with a high degree of professionalism and responsiveness. Our team has in-depth knowledge and experience of dealing with a wide variety of compliance problems, and has successfully challenged regulatory action in New Delhi and near by districts. We also have a great deal of experience under:

Case Processing :
  • Supreme Court of India
  • Delhi High Court
  • All District Courts

Expertise in:
  • Drafting complaints;
  • FIR registration;
  • Bails: Regular/Anticipatory;
  • FIR Quashing through High Court;
  • Criminal Trials.

The cases where a person is involved under the production/manufacturing/cultivation, possession, sale, purchasing, transport, storage, and/or consumption of any narcotic drug or psychotropic substance.

The NDPS Act was introduced in the Lok Sabha on 23 August 1985. It was passed by both the Houses of Parliament, received assent from then President Giani Zail Singh on 16 September 1985, and came into force on 14 November 1985. The NDPS Act has since been amended thrice — in 1988, 2001 and 2014. The Act extends to the whole of India and it applies also to all Indian citizens outside India and to all persons on ships and aircraft registered in India